The Drive Unit, AKA the "wiring nightmare"

The Drive Unit (DU) is the key element that connects the onboard Raspberry Pi4 with all the actuators of the rover. The DU can be considered as both a hardware and software element. Speaking of hardware, the DU is composed of 4 motor drivers (L298N): each of which can control up to 2 outputs at either 5 V or 12 V DC. Motor speed can also per controlled, even if for this project, speed regulation was not used. In the Drive Unit, 1 motor driver is used to control the Remote Sensing Mast azimuth rotation (pan) actuator (stepper motor); and 3 motor drivers are used for the six rover's wheels (respectively connected as follows: LF-RF, LM-RM, LR-RR). All wires go from the interior of a small box to the exterior passing through a cable subdivision structure.

  • [Hours of work: 5]
  • [People involved: Giorgio]

enter image description here

Custom wire connectors.

Due to the high amount of cables that connect the motors with the motor drivers, the Raspberry Pi and the sensors, making custom wire connectors became a point of major concern. Without well-done cable management, working on the final phases of the assembly might result unreasonably difficult. Some cables have to go from the outside to the inside of the rover: to avoid dust and debris going into the WEB or interfering with the electrical connections, all cables have been shielded and custom connectors were attached, obtaining a delicate but well-functioning modular network of wire connections. The wiring process is planned to be a 2-week process.

  • [Hours of work: 3]
  • [People involved: Giorgio]

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