Welcome! This is the logbook for "Mimas" project.

The aim of this project is to analyse, design and create a model of a Mars Rover inspired by NASA/JPL's Perseverance and Curiosity Rovers. The prototype of Mimas is realized by a fourth-year student of Mechanical Engineering at Edinburgh Napier University as part of the Honours Project. The main focus is a reliable model of a Rocker-Bogie suspension system and a terrain-aware algorithm for autonomous navigation. The rover achieves self-driving on rough terrains using several cameras and sensors. The project is entirely OpenSource.


The blog is currently under update. Python codes, Blender files and additional content will be released soon on Github.

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Edinburgh SpaceUp Unconference.

SpaceUp Scotland has been a great occasion to meet people and experts interested in Space, rocketry and robotics. I (Giorgio's speaking) had to opportunity to present the "Mimas" project to a Space Scotland representative, ESA Ambassador, and other Professionals, asking for advice and listening to their opinion about the project. In addition, I got some useful advice for my future after graduation. I attended from 10 am to 7 pm. A group photo will be published as soon as it will be realised by SpaceUp.

  • [Hours of attendance: 9h]
  • [People involved: Giorgio]

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